
Financial planning maps out your future and creates an environment in which your family can be secure and thrive. 规划 for a time when you will no longer be around is an important part of ensuring that future well-being. Estate planning allows you to arrange for the distribution of your financial assets to your heirs or intended beneficiaries after your death or incapacitation. 规划 ahead lets you assert greater control over the legacy you leave to your loved ones. Conversely, not planning ahead can lead to unnecessary expenses, family conflict, and ill-will.

Rollins Financial Advisors will put you in touch with experienced estate attorneys who can take the legal steps to ensure a seamless transfer of assets. We offer financial advice to make the process as smooth as possible, including finding ways to lower expenses and minimize your tax debt, to pass as much of your estate as possible on to your loved ones.

Even someone of modest means can have a fairly extensive estate. 资产包括房屋, 汽车。, 房地产, 经纪账户中的股票和债券, 退休基金, 人寿保险, 贵重的个人物品. Liabilities and debt obligations are also part of an estate and must be accounted for.

Too many people make the mistake of thinking they’re not wealthy enough to need estate planning, 甚至是起草遗嘱的最基本的第一步. 遗产规划有助于保护家族财富, 供养尚存的配偶和子女, 以及他们的教育.

A will names an executor - a person to carry out the directions spelled out in the will - and gives instructions on what should happen to a person’s property. 如果死者有未成年子女, 它还可以为他们的护理提供指导. The executor of a will has 30 days to have the authenticity of a will affirmed by a probate court. The court will officially give the executor the legal authority to act on the decedent’s behalf.


你的经济状况、家庭构成和目标都会改变. 你的遗产计划也应该如此.

Probate is the legal process necessary to transfer assets to inheritors after someone has died. An executor named in a will – or appointed by a judge if no executor has been named – carries out the legal tasks. 他们必须证明遗嘱是有效的, 确认并清点死者的财产, 进行财产评估, 偿还所有债务和税款, 必要时清算资产, and finally distribute the remaining assets as directed by the will or state law.

你想要你的继承人, 不是遗产律师, to get as much benefit as possible from the assets you bequeath to them upon your death. Probate can be very expensive, involving significant paperwork and court appearances. All these expenses come out of the estate and reduce the benefit to inheritors.

遗嘱认证也需要时间,而且通常是一个公开的过程. 原因有很多, it may be desirable for the distribution of an estate to be done privately and as quickly as possible. Probate can tie up property that could be helping your inheritors for months or years at a time. Even when a will is uncontested, the process can be lengthy and expensive. Trusts can be a good strategy to reduce the amount of property that will be subject to the probate process or eliminate it altogether.

Estate taxes can significantly reduce the value of an estate before its assets are distributed to the beneficiaries of a will, potentially creating sizable liabilities for the family involved. The estate planning process can employ strategies to transfer wealth across generations which mitigate tax liability.

Rollins Financial Advisors can help you determine if trusts are right for you. 遗产规划人员可以选择多种信托类型. Revocable trusts, or living trusts, can be very helpful in avoiding the probate process. 他们允许受托人, 通常是建立信托的人, 在他们活着的时候将财产从信托中移除. Upon the death of the person who established the trust, it becomes irrevocable. Living trusts do not fully protect property from creditors – if you can retrieve assets from a trust they remain part of your estate - but they can greatly simplify the process of transferring them to your heirs.

Irrevocable trusts are commonly used due to estate tax considerations. Once assets are placed in an irrevocable trust they no longer belong to you. They belong to the trust and are not subject to estate taxes upon your death. If assets are determined to be “gifts in contemplation of death” because they were placed in a trust too recently, 他们可能还要缴纳遗产税.

Another strategy estate planners can use to mitigate estate tax liability is charitable giving. 赠与减少了遗产的规模和遗产税账单. This means the individual has a lower effective cost of giving. Rollins Financial Advisors can help formulate a strategy to maximize the effect of your giving and the legacy that engenders.

Life insurance is an important aspect of a solid estate plan; if the policy is properly structured any income tax due on distributed assets should be easily paid without resorting to the sale of assets. Money from 人寿保险 policies themselves that beneficiaries receive is typically tax-exempt.

We understand that estate planning is a crucial part of our clients’ overall financial well-being. 遗产规划是一个终身的过程. 你的经济状况、家庭构成和目标都会改变. 你的遗产计划也应该如此. The financial planning experts at Rollins Financial Advisors can help you along the way.